‘Real Time’, this conception is widely used on the web.If it combine with Nodejs, they will load more users and get higher performance.
So I introduce this module “” on Node.js.
First situation, you sent a message, people receive .
Second situation, you sent a message,people receive except yourself.
Compare these two situations,there are lots of discuss on the forum. However,I think that second situation is more logical than first.Because I think
Let’s talk about its frame. divid into two parts, the Client and the Server. In the Server,there are three main js(manager.js,,socket.js,namespace.js) to build server service.Now, I will analyze the relationship between them.
“” is the closet to the Client.In line 40~79,all of the Client requests will through this entering Server.From the point of view of the Server,it listens Client requests and go to execute this code.
exports.listen = function (server, options, fn) {
return new exports.Manager(server, options);
One thing to be noted the end of this code,it means call “manager.js”(we can see line 87 “exports.Manager = require(‘./manager’);”to understand)
Before “manager.js”,we see follow code :
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket){
Above code is exuted in Client,“io” means call a manager object,after “io” texts mean call a manager event ,and we see follow code on manager.js:
(call a manger object)
function Manager (server, options) {
this.server = server;
this.namespaces = {};
this.sockets = this.of('');
this.settings = {
(call a manager event)
this.sockets.on('connection', function (conn) {
self.emit('connection', conn);
From above code,we can understand all of connections will be managed by a null string(named namespaces)
manager.js socket.js